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CHF 200.00 / € 200.00 / Ticket

Dayticket Saturday – TangoConcert: «Tango luminoso» with Bandonegro Orquesta & Juan Villarreal
More... it is included in the Eventpass .Valid as a day Ticket.
2025-04-19 21:00
CHF 50.00 / € 50.00   / Ticket
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  • Choose the number of tickets.
  • Click on „add to the Cart.“ You're going to be asked: Do you want to put this ticket in your shopping cart?
    Press „OK“ if you want to order the ticket. Press „Abbrechen“ if you don't want to order it.
  • Then press on the red „Go to your shopping cart“.
  • Log in with your e-mail address and your code. If you don't have a customer account, click on „If you don't have a customer account, please register here“.
  • After you registered yourself, click on „Complete order“, if you want to book the ticket. If you don't want to book the ticket, click on the red dust bin.
  • After you ordered the ticket, you will get an e-mail with the bill.
  • You can get the tickets at the festival office or at the event at the box office.
Tickets not available in advance sale:
  • DayCard on Thursday, Friday, Sunday an Monday: (incluiding Marathon TangoCafecito, TangoCaffè Lungo, AfterHour
Presale in Basel
  • Online order: tickets can be picked up during the festival at the festival office or from
    1/2 hours before the start of the event at the box office
  • by Tango Schule Basel, Opening hours on request, Tel. +41 (0)79 472 28 91
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