Kontakt Ueber Uns Presse Fotos Links
• OsterTango 2025 Overviewpage
  • Click on a course (for example S1). With this click, you reserve for your partner and yourself.
  • You're going to be asked: Do you want to put „S1“ in your shopping cart?
    Press „OK“, if you want to take the course, press „Abbrechen“, if you don't want to take the course.
  • Then press on the red „Go to your shopping cart“
  • Log in with your e-mail address and your code. If you don't have a customer account, click on the purple „If you don't have a customer account, please register here“.
  • After you registered yourself, click on „Complete order“ if you want to book the courses. If you don`t want to book the courses, click on the red dust bin.
  • After you ordered the courses, you will get an e-mail with the bill.
Course programme
The CourseProgram is available
as PDF for download:
CourseProgram EasterTango festival 2025

Tango Schule Basel und OsterTango auf Facebook