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    Press „OK“, if you want to take the course, press „Abbrechen“, if you don't want to take the course.
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  • After you registered yourself, click on „Complete order“ if you want to book the courses. If you don`t want to book the courses, click on the red dust bin.
  • After you ordered the courses, you will get an e-mail with the bill.
Course programme
The CourseProgram is available
as PDF for download:
CourseProgram EasterTango festival 2025

Tango Schule Basel und OsterTango auf Facebook

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Seminarios and Workshops
JC1  with –> Juana Sepulveda & Chicho "Mariano" Frumboli
Seminario 4h, Tango: Complex sequences 3
CHF 120.00 / € 120.00 / Person
JC2  with –> Juana Sepulveda & Chicho "Mariano" Frumboli
Seminario 4h, Tango: Sacadas for leaders and follower 2,3
CHF 120.00 / € 120.00 / Person
JC3  with –> Juana Sepulveda & Chicho "Mariano" Frumboli
Seminario 4h, Tango: Ryhthm and syncopy 1,2,3
CHF 120.00 / € 120.00 / Person
SF1  with –> Stephanie Fesneau & Fausto Carpino
Seminario 4h, Tango: Mini colgadas in close embrace 2,3
CHF 120.00 / € 120.00 / Person
SF2  with –> Stephanie Fesneau & Fausto Carpino
Seminario 4h, Milonga: Variation of the rhythm 2,3
CHF 120.00 / € 120.00 / Person
SF3  with –> Stephanie Fesneau & Fausto Carpino
Workshop 2h, Tango: Differnt kinds of paradas 1,2,3
CHF 60.00 / € 60.00 / Person
SF4  with –> Stephanie Fesneau & Fausto Carpino
Workshop 2h, Vals: Play with the rhymthm 2,3
CHF 60.00 / € 60.00 / Person
PL1  with –> Paula Tejeda & Lucas Carrizo
Seminario 4h, Tango: Spirales, elastisity, connection, alteratioins 3
CHF 120.00 / € 120.00 / Person
PL2  with –> Paula Tejeda & Lucas Carrizo
Seminario 4h, Tango: «Planeos, calecitas, giros» 2,3
CHF 120.00 / € 120.00 / Person
PL3  with –> Paula Tejeda & Lucas Carrizo
Workshop 2h, Vals: Rhythm and meldody ,contrasts and harmony 1,2
CHF 60.00 / € 60.00 / Person
PT4  with –> Paula Tejeda (single registration)
Workshop 2h, Technique Ladies: stability,felxibility, adornements 1,2,3
CHF 60.00 / € 60.00 / Person
PP1  with –> Pepa Palazón (single registration)
Workshop 2h, Musicality: The Syncope and Arrastre (Drag)  1,2,3
CHF 60.00 / € 60.00 / Person
PP2  with –> Pepa Palazón (single registration)
Workshop 2h, Musicality: The musicals bridge 1,2,3
CHF 60.00 / € 60.00 / Person
YE1  with –> Yanina Muzyka & Emmanuel Casal
Seminario 4h, Tango: Dynamics turns 2,3
CHF 120.00 / € 120.00 / Person
YE2  with –> Yanina Muzyka & Emmanuel Casal
Seminario 4h, Tango: Infinite Barridas, Gliding 2,3
CHF 120.00 / € 120.00 / Person
YE3  with –> Yanina Muzyka & Emmanuel Casal
Workshop 2h, Tango: Rebounds 1,2
CHF 60.00 / € 60.00 / Person
YE4  with –> Yanina Muzyka & Emmanuel Casal
Workshop 2h, Tango: Technique Ochos, Volcadas 1,2,3
CHF 60.00 / € 60.00 / Person
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Introduction for beginners
Intensive course for beginners
with Lia Jeker & Lionel Wirz
CHF 180.00 / € 180.00 / Person