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> DVD OsterTango 2011
"Tango Tracks"
The fifth production of the Basel Tango School "tango tracks" at Basel’s “Schauspielhaus” demonstrated yet again the diversity of Tango. In its artistic form on the stage the relationship with other media and the fusion with other dance styles were clearly shown.
An evening full of "motion" and "emotion"
all photos: Ismael Lorenzo
Coordination: Hansjoerg Beschart
Presentation: Denise Geiser
  • Gaston Torelli & Moira Castellano with "DOMESTICAME" - the history of the fox in the narration the small prince of A. Saint Exupery was transferred into a marvelously moved picture language
  • Pablo Pugliese & Noel Strazza with"MENS REA" - the voltagerich meeting between the sexes, find their printout in traditional style figures and items of the contemporary dance.
  • Milena Plebs & David Palo with "LA VOZ DE TUS ZABATOS" - inspired by the novel of A. Ruiz Sanchez (direction:Alejandro Cervera
  • Ruben & Sabrina Veliz mit "T-CONNECTION" -Easily, aerial, comic and with a wink in one's eye They tell the history of the tango
Gaston Torelli & Moira Castellano
Noel Strazza & Pablo Pugliese
Ruben & Sabrina Veliz
Milena Plebs & David Palo
More than hundred Couples danced nto the early morning hours to the music of DJ Florin Bilbiie.

Aoniken Quiroga Bujan & Majo Marini
Aoniken Quiroga Bujan & Majo Marini danced fireworks.